Kernel Cobb The Corn

I am a sweet treat that everyone in the family will love.  I have the perfect sized yellow and white kernels, a creamy texture and am fun to grow.  Make sure to give me plenty of water so I develop the tassels and silks that turn into ears of corn. I get taller than you are, so make sure to plant me with lots of room to grow.  My ears average 8 inches when mature and should be ready to harvest 3 weeks after you see the silks form.  I do get lonely and need to have some other corn plants (of the same variety) next to me to share pollen with.  You can eat me from top to bottom or left to right, as long as you love me, I don’t mind.

Growing instructions:
The secret to growing healthy corn is all in the soil.  You want to make sure it is a good mix of nutrients and material that holds moisture, peat moss is a great choice.  You will need to give it some fertilizer throughout the growing season to help it grow strong stalks to form ears.

The second major consideration is location.  You want to make sure you choose an area where your plants will receive full sun.  However corn stalks tend to grow tall, and can create a shady spot on the area of garden.  For this reason it is a good idea to grow corn one of the edges or corners of your garden.

For best results plant corn in blocks.  You can plant in rows but since wind is used to spread pollen you increase your chances by planting in squares instead of rows.  Either way several plants are needed in order for pollen to be collected and form ears.  Plants can self-pollinate, but you will get better results when you have groups of 4 or more plants. 

When your corn is maturing, sometimes strong winds can cause stalks to bend. If this happens mound dirt around the base, and stake the plants until the stalks are strong enough to support themselves.

When the ears feel plump and full when you squeeze them, it is time to harvest.  To make sure, peel back the leaves near the tip of an ear and pierce a kernel with your fingernail.  If the juice is milky, it is time to harvest.  For best results, pick ears early in the morning when they are cool and refrigerate them immediately to keep them fresh and so the sugars do not turn to starch.